HomeDREAMWord of thanks at the end of the latest DREAM formation course
12 - Nov - 2006

We publish the thanksgiving speech delivered by a doctor who participated in the IX Formation Course of DREAM held in Maputo in October 2006.
Dr Jean Pierre works at the health centre of Kimbau (in Bandundu region, southern Democratic Republic of Congo, bordering Angola), a centre that is about to start offering antiretroviral therapy in collaboration with the DREAM programme.

Most honourable Prof. Narciso, reverend sisters and dear brothers of the Community of Sant’Egidio, ladies and gentlemen, all collaborators of the DREAM project,

In my name and on behalf of all the participants of this workshop, allow me to show our gratitude and acknowledgement at the end of this period of theoretical formation about the diagnostic, therapeutic and nutritional approach to people affected by HIV, through different modules for doctors, laboratory technicians and coordinators.

Starting from 11 October, you did not spare any effort to take us to the heart of the realities linked to HIV infection. In these days, we have become especially aware of a new dimension of HIV that pervades our populations: the scourge of HIV is not a simple health problem; rather it poses a real development crisis for Black Africa.

But, on the other hand, the results of DREAM have shed doubt on mistaken views that antiretroviral therapy would not be applicable in Africa for reasons we prefer to keep quiet about. It is a challenge that the Community of Sant’Egidio launches to those in charge of programmes fighting for Africa.

We have discerned the presence of God throughout these days, this God who is Love, Truth and Justice: Love that is expressed through the quality and interests of the project; Truth that is revealed thanks to a therapeutic protocol based on verifiable scientific arguments; Justice that desires that all men, in north and south of the world, may benefit from the same attentions.

Before concluding our speech, we promise you that from now on, we will pursue the struggle in our respective countries, continuing to work according to your outlook.

We would like to thank the Community of Sant’Egidio once again for the DREAM programme. We ask the international community to support this just and resolute work with extensive backing in terms of medical equipment and essential drugs.
If you all contribute, we will all live.

Many thanks,

On behalf of the participants,

Dr Jean-Pierre Basake Kalema


Mantieniti in contatto con DREAM

* Campo obbligatorio