HomeDREAMPrevention and treatment of HIV

The DREAM programme aims to assist local health systems develop a sustainable model over time, ensuring maximum results at a minimum cost. The goal is not to build large hospitals, but health centres, also reaching isolated rural areas with mobile clinics and home care, in order to get closer to the patients and provide the assistance they need.

Adopting a light model involves being extremely well organised, so the necessary care can be provided. This approach makes it possible to achieve high retention rates and a great awareness of the basic notions of health education, which are also provided by the patients themselves. In fact all the patients on the programme also take part in health educationcourses, where they learn how to deal with various aspects of their life.

A holistic approach is essential in the African context. The precious health education work, carried out together with the patients, has generated a new culture: AIDS is no longer a death sentence and people can be treated for it. The patients also have become aware that treatment free of charge is a right. DREAM is actually based on the fact that all its services are free of charge. Everyone has access because the treatments, diagnostic procedures and assistance are all completely free. This is not only a question of justice and fairness but it is also the secret of the very high degree of adherence, which is now what really makes the treatment be considered a success.


When the DREAM programme was founded, it was decided it would set up laboratories that would make a service of excellence available to fight AIDS in Africa, like in the Western countries.

It was the year 2000 and DREAM had just started...
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La nutrizione

Il programma DREAM della Comunità di Sant’Egidio sin dalla sua origine dedica un’attenzione particolare a prevenire e trattare la malnutrizione nelle persone. La nutrizione è, dunque, un aspetto determinante della salute dei pazienti sia per migliorare e proteggere che per rallentare la progressione delle malattie.
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