HomeDREAMConakry, Republic of Guinea – Training course for biologists
12 - Oct - 2012

The training course for biologists, funded by AECID and entitled "Management and Quality Control of the Laboratories for the Care of HIV/AIDS Patients" opened in Conakry, at the presence if authorities and friends.
The Executive Secretary of the Committee for the Fight against AIDS (CNLS) and the coordinator of the National Program for the treatment of HIV+ patients, have stressed how the importance of training in the laboratory area is crucial to allow a correct antiretroviral treatment and did solicit the participants of the course to take maximum advantage of this important occasion.

The Ambassador S.E.M. Guillermo Ardizone recalled the commitment of Spain, side by side with the DREAM Program in Guinea since 2009, and reaffirmed the friendship and support towards the Community of Sant’Egidio and its initiatives.
The three day intensive course arises from the experience of the DREAM Program and wishes to be an occasion to share the criteria of excellence and quality that are at the heart of the DREAM Program, aiming to guarantee the best possible treatment to its patients. It is aimed at young graduates who can learn good laboratory practices and the correct procedures for the management of a laboratory, with a special attention to the molecular biology laboratory.
The experience of the laboratory of Maputo, Mozambique, in particular through the presence of its Responsible for Quality, Tatiana Aidé, served as a concrete example and encouragement.



Mantieniti in contatto con DREAM

* Campo obbligatorio