Visit of Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia to the DREAM Center
Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, visited Malawi on the occasion of the 18th Plenary Assembly of AMCEA (Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa).
Upon arriving in the country he chose, as a first step, to pay a visit to the DREAM center of Mtengo wa Ntengho, near the capital city, Lilongwe.
A group of patients and some representatives of the movement I DREAM welcomed him with joyful songs and dances.
Monsignor Paglia addressed an affectionate greeting to all, expressing the joy of this meeting: "You are the first people that I chose to meet in Malawi; in Italy there is a saying: "you never forget your first love," and I will never forget you and I will pray for you "
He then visited the premises of the center, talking with patients and hobnobbing with some of the children in care and also with babies born healthy thanks to the DREAM program.
He encouraged the staff pointing out that the professionalism, friendship and care for the sick, along with the medicines, are the secret of the successful care that patients receive at the DREAM Center.