“DREAM” at the ICASA Conference in Abidjan
The ICASA conference is the main conference on AIDS in Africa. About 7,000 delegates participated in the conference this year in Abidjan, from 4 to 9 December. It was an occasion to take stock of the strategies for controlling the epidemic which, as is known, is especially rampant in Africa. Over the course of the conference the topics covered were the critical points of the 90-90-90 approach, HIV’s peculiarities amongst teens, and the new opportunities regarding drugs and prevention.
The DREAM program presented two projects, one from Malawi and one from Cameroon: a presentation on the screening of cervical cancer in Malawi, in which more than 3000 women participated over the course of two years; a poster showing DREAM’s results in Cameroon in terms of retention and virological success.
The conference was an occasion to meet and share experience. Many asked about DREAM, including Ivory Coast’s representatives from the Ministry of Health.