Pills of African medicine- Neurology
With the event: “African Medicine Pills” organized by CUAMM, Dr. Massimo Leone took part in the initiative dedicated to Neurology.
The meetings had a practical focus with thematic insights from experts in the field also belonging to AOUP, with interactive discussions of clinical cases, comparisons with “Western Medicine.”
At minute 25:04 you can review the in-depth talk on Neurology that Dr. Massimo Leone together with Dr. Victor Tolno (streaming from our DREAM Center in Blantyre) gave, talking about epilepsy, sub-Saharan neurology and innovation brought by the DREAM Program in Africa.
Below is the program of the talks:
Seminar III – “African Medicine Pills: Neurology”
Institutional greetings. G. Siciliano
Moderators: G. Siciliano, P. Lopriore
Welcome video message. The activities of the African Academy of Neurology and the state of the art of neurology in Africa. A. Charway-Felli
The territorial reality of African neurology: HIV centers. M.Leone
Epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa. M.Leone.
The reality of an epilepsy treatment center V. Tamba Tolno (reporting from the field, Blantyre epilepsy center DREAM program, Malawi)
Parasitic diseases of neurological interest. F. Bruschi
Suportive states. M.Uliana, S. Trifirò
Final discussion and questions
End of work