Visit of the Italian Cooperation Delegation to the DREAM Center in Zimpeto
On July 9, the DREAM Center in Zimpeto, on the outskirts of Maputo (Mozambique), hosted a special visit from the DGCS (Directorate General for Development Cooperation) and AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation) Delegation, as part of the Italian Cooperation Mission to Southern Africa.
The mission, led by General Director Stefano Gatti, included important stakeholders from Italian cooperation, such as AICS Director Marco Rusconi, officials from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, as well as representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Environment, international organizations, private companies, and civil society organizations.
All those who visited the DREAM Center in Zimpeto were impressed by its distinctive features: the close attention and dedication to patients, the free services offered, the use of advanced technology, and the fully computerized system that enables faster and more efficient diagnoses and responses. Various areas of the center were also shown, including the HIV/AIDS patient care and assistance offices, the molecular biology laboratory, the telemedicine department, offices for cancer and non-communicable disease screening and treatment, the central pharmacy, and a tailoring workshop.