Conakry 7th February: I DREAM celebrates the children
The I DREAM Movement in Conakry wanted to celebrate the birthday of the Community organizing a party for the children of DREAM. The idea was already in the air between some activists and when the date was established they started working. No one between them had ever organized a party like this, so they wanted to see all of the details together.
Above all, the delivery of the invitations handed over to the children in the days prior to the party during their appointments of visit and control. The telephone calls to those who didn’t have appointments to the center before the date of the party to warn them also.
But then, how do you amuse the children? Singing, drawing, dancing, acting competitions … Two of them taught in the maternal and in the elementary (Bernadette and Marguerite) and taught to the others some songs.
But some acting had to be put on stage and Pierre, Rose and Naby planned one on hygiene: how and why wash hands before eating. Some children were involved in the preparation of the play during the holding on to the visit in the days prior to the party.
The day of the party the scene was rehearsed and put on stage: at the end all the children in line went to wash hands before the afternoon snack. …
But how could the afternoon snack be done, and where could you find the gifts? A good party cannot lack these details. So each one has searched donors and the result was surprising.
A guineo- lebanese industrialist sent a big box full of lollipops and candies;
a DREAM patient, a baker, brought plenty of bread and croissants, happy of to contribute and assist at the party;
a telecommunications company gave 500 notebooks;
they were lacking of food to put in the bread and another entrepreneur gave the meat for the sandwiches;
A small collection between the activists allowed to buy the spices for the preparation of the meat. Some then bought or found toys, dolls and balloons for the furnishing.
The morning of the party the appointment was at 7. The tasks were divided the previous day, so when the children began to arrive there was someone in chargeof the welcome, of the party animation, someone of the preparation of the afternoon snack and someone of the distribution of the sandwiches and of the gifts at the end.
There were gifts for the small ones (a game, an afternoon snack, candies and lollipops) and for the bigger ones (1 notebook, colors, the pencil or the pen, candies). At the end the gifts were so many that they will be useful also for the next party.
Safyatou and Fatoumata also involved two members of a very known musical group in Conakry, "Les Etoiles De Boulbinet" that came to sing for the children, with the traditional music rhythm that was appreciated also by the smaller ones.
Also the children were directly involved, first in a drawing competition, then in a poetry performance or short songs.
All the children arrived elegant, and a lot of mommies were present.
In total there were 60 children and at least about forty adults. At the end everyone, adults and children, ate and had fun and also the satisfaction of the activists was big, for a nice thing thought and organized together, moreover having a lot of fun.
Before leaving everyone was in line to receive the gift. ..Always singing.
After the party every activist will go with a thank-you note and a photograph of the party to who helped free of charge, with the intention of creating a solidarity network around the children of DREAM.