Republic of Guinea: Training course for biologists
In the presence of numerous authorities in Conakry, on February 21 the DREAM training course opened for more than 60 biologists and laboratory technicians coming from different public institutions and organizations working in Guinea.
The course is entitled “ HIV/AIDS and molecular biology: state of the art” and will address topics such as pathogenesis of the infection, diagnosis, with particular emphasis on molecular diagnostics, general and applied, and bio-safety in the laboratory.
The course will end on February 25th with a seminar on the role of the laboratory and the challenges to be faced working in the African context. All participants were very impressed with the level of training offered and have said that this represents a unique opportunity to upgrade but also for a confrontation between experts engaged in a context which is not easy, but which is of great importance to public health.
During the works concrete suggestions for improving the management of the laboratory and harmonization of the diagnostic protocols have been proposed, with the aim of improving the quality of diagnostic services in the country.