HomeDREAMDream Tanzania

Descrizione progetto

The objective of the project is to improve access to health services for mothers, children and people in need of transfusions in the city of Bangui and in the target prefectures (Nana-Grébizi, Lobaye, Ombella-M’Poko). In order to achieve this objective, direct support will be given to Clinique DREAM and the services offered by CNTS in the target prefectures will be expanded.

The services currently offered by Clinique DREAM will be expanded by strengthening its laboratory, in order to give more women and children the possibility of finding essential and quality care, and we will support the management and staff of the CNTS to expand the coverage of free and quality transfusion services outside of Bangui.

Specifically, with the possibility of this project in emergency, it is intended to:

In Clinque DREAM:

  • Support and expand existing activities;
  • Improve the diagnostic capacity of the Clinique DREAM laboratory with the provision of a GeneXpert and a biochemistry machine;
  • Increase the quality of the services offered by training medical personnel on the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases of children and epidemics (Covid19 and HIV);
  • Contribute to the decongestion of the Complexe Pédiatrique by receiving chronic disease patients monthly, especially those with epilepsy;
  • Reach a broader population by offering preventive services and ongoing health education.


  • Expand blood bag collection, storage, testing and distribution services to health facilities in the target prefectures (Nana-Grébizi, Lobaye, Ombella-M’Poko);
  • Provide support and supervision to health facilities in the target Prefectures.


Partner del progetto

Ministero della salute del Centrafrica

Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine

Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Mantieniti in contatto con DREAM

* Campo obbligatorio