Improve access to healthcare services in the town of Bangui
Descrizione progetto
The aim of this project is to improve access to healthcare services, primarily for mother, children and for people needing transfusions in the town of Bangui. The project therefore intends to enhance the services offered by the “Clinique DREAM” and to support the CNTS “Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine”, in order to guarantee high quality transfusion services that are free of charge.
The activities are to include: extending the current service that already assists epileptic children and adolescents with the possibility to carry out an electroencephalogram; reopening the mother and child healthcare service; introducing a service to take care of people with HIV and for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; starting a haematology and biochemistry diagnostics service; setting up a laboratory in the healthcare centre; raising awareness in the local population regarding health and the importance of giving blood and supporting effective management of the collection and distribution of blood in hospitals and healthcare centres throughout the country.
Partner del progetto
- Ministero della salute del Centrafrica
- Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine