Introducing innovative educational models for health personnel in Kenya
Descrizione progetto
The aim of this project is to introduce innovative training for health facility workers in Kenya. One of the main obstacles to the development of a sustainable health system capable of ensuring quality care is the lack of adequate training for human resources. The Community of Sant’Egidio and the local partner DREAM Kenya Trust in recent years have ensured the continuous training of health workers in the clinics supported by the DREAM Programme.
The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced in-person training opportunities. With the help of the innovator Ilara Health, the aim is to respond to the challenge of adequate training through an individualised training programme, including online courses, access to a database, and the creation of thematic discussion forums on hypertension, diabetes, and cervical cancer.
The training programme will be applied and validated in several facilities including 5 supported by Sant’Egidio.
Through workshops and training, Metta-Nest Group will support Ilara in analysing markets and competitors, developing business proposals and preparing scalable activities. Supported by Sant’Egidio experts, Ilara will develop new content for its digital platform, in particular on: hypertension-diabetes-cervical cancer.
It is planned to organise at least four online training courses during the project period. In parallel, experts will be identified and discussion forums organised, of which at least 10 are planned. Participants will be selected: participation will be offered primarily to clinicians from the health facilities already in contact with Ilara, and to approximately 25 clinicians from the facilities supported by Sant’Egidio.
DREAM Kenya Trust will provide connectivity in their facilities, and tablets or computers to participants. Upon registration to the platform, clinicians will receive access to the clinical database and an instructional video. Each participant will indicate the time slot available for training and these will be worked on to build the individualised learning pathway.
Resources from Ilara and Dream Kenya Trust will collect guidelines for the diseases covered by the trainings, as well as relevant WHO guidelines. Procedures will be implemented in order to make the guidelines applicable, in the facilities supported by Sant’Egidio the availability of materials, consumables and medicines will also be guaranteed through this project.
In order to complete the training, DREAM Kenya Trust will support an internship to learn colposcopy techniques for 3 health workers.
During the project, the innovator and DREAM Kenya Trust will carry out awareness-raising activities through community health workers as well as through social media, local newspapers and radio interventions.
The project was selected in January 2022 as part of the Coopen path dedicated to health and well-being. Coopen is a participatory path promoted by Innovazione per lo Sviluppo, a programme of Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo with the aim of fostering innovation in the field of international development cooperation. Coopen has the technical support of Cariplo Factory, Tiresia, JengaLab and Effecinque.
Partner del progetto
Ilara Health; DREAM Kenya Trust