Arusha, Tanzania: The celebration of life
On December first, at the DREAM Center of USA River in Tanzania, from 9 am in a lot, about five hundred people, gathered to celebrate.
Numerous patients from the DREAM center came from the neighboring villages, along with neighbors and friends.
Even the operators of associations with which DREAM works to help patients, wanted to participate and most importantly, many children, friends of the young patients under treatment, some of whom live together in orphanages in the area.
During the event there were many testimonies of patients who told their story and reaffirmed strongly that it is possible to continue to live in spite of AIDS when there is a chance of treatment, as happened to them when they met DREAM, who saved and restored dignity to their lives.
At the end of the testimonies over forty people felt encouraged and wanted to make the test to see if they were HIV positive, overcoming the fear of the disease.
After a drink, many have joined the show with traditional songs and dances until late morning, to celebrate together what they have called themselves “the celebration of life”.