Marcelina’s story between hope and progress
Marcelina is a young woman. She is 31 years old and is undergoing antiretroviral therapy at the Sant’Egidio Dream Centre in Zimpeto.
Marcelina is the mother of three children (a girl and a boy) and tells us how she came to know about the Sant’Egidio DREAM programme.
She reveals that a close relative had told her about the possibility of supporting free antiretroviral therapy through the DREAM programme. Unfortunately, in the past, Marcelina had been forced to abandon treatment because of inadequate treatment at a clinic where she had been treated.
She tells us that she approached the Centre on the very first day it opened near her home and, together with her husband, was lucky enough to start TARV in our DREAM Centre.
Marcelina was born in Xai-Xai City (Mozambique). There she met her husband and invited him to live in Maputo.
Today, she lives in the neighbourhood of Zimpeto, in a rented house, is unemployed and lives by selling vegetables bought at the wholesale market in Zimpeto.
Marcelina is pregnant and about to give birth and, fortunately, she is taking her antiretroviral treatment with precision because, she tells us, ‘I dream of bringing a seronegative child into the world’.
For her and her family, the DREAM centre represents a new beginning and, in her home area of Zimpeto, she raises a lot of awareness about TARV and the prevention of chronic diseases.
Marcelina has great confidence in the treatment and hopes to soon be able to hold her baby in her arms, who has tested negative since the last test.