World Tuberculosis Day: the commitment of the DREAM Program
The Covid-19 pandemic has “undone years of progress made in the fight to end the disease”. This was noted by the WHO ahead of World Tuberculosis Day.
Today, TB is still one of the deadliest diseases in the world, 1.5 million people will die from Tb in the world in 2020 and around 10 million will be ill. It is in Africa that 25% of the world’s new annual cases are registered.
The staff of the DREAM Program is involved with active research in the field of diagnostics.
On Monday, March 21, we held a workshop in Conakry to present the first results of the operational research “prevalence of TB and diagnostic strategies for people with HIV in Guinea”. This research was carried out in the framework of a project supported by AICS that allowed to purchase the necessary equipment.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the country’s national HIV and TB programs, physicians and research teams.
With a strategy of active research and diagnosis with molecular methods (GeneXpert) it was possible to detect that 5% of patients followed at the DREAM center were affected by tuberculosis. Patients welcomed the possibility of making the diagnosis in a short time at the center and of being able to be treated in the same place that is familiar to them and where they are also followed for HIV.
Despite the progress made in recent years in terms of diagnosis and treatment, in Africa, tuberculosis is still the leading cause of death in people with HIV.