HomeDREAMThe DREAM Programme experience at CODEWAY 2022
20 - May - 2022

CODEWAY is an international event dedicated to cooperation, development and sustainability with a focus on business opportunities for for-profit and non-profit organisations. CODEWAY is a place for dialogue and synergies between public actors, NGOs and companies.

Sant’Egidio, with its experience now extended not only in the field of health promotion, but also in the protection of the environment and the use of renewable energy, was invited by CODEWAY coordinator Wladimiro Boccali to participate in the closing plenary of the event on the theme ‘THE CHALLENGE OF THE 2030 AGENDA IN EMERGING COUNTRIES’.

The challenge of ecological transition in Emerging Countries is played out on the difficult balance between economic development, sustainability and environmental protection. The ever-increasing impact of man’s actions on his habitat leads us to rethink our economic models, orienting production and consumption systems towards the principles of sustainability. The topic of ecological transition is today at the heart of the European debate and of post-Covid recovery plans (including economic ones). The meeting, held at the Fiera di Roma, aimed to focus attention on the urgency of global governance in favour of ecological transition also in Emerging Countries.

For DREAM, the use of photovoltaic energy and material recycling practices are not only a choice inspired by the Laudato sii of Pope Francis, but also an operational necessity in contexts characterised by insecurity and scarcity of resources. The training of qualified personnel also in the technical and energy sector has characterised DREAM’s presence in Africa since its inception and remains an ever-present need. The positive experiences of collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin in the ‘Bukavu Green Community’ project in Congo and with the La Sapienza University of Rome in Kenya in the Renew-Able Against Covid project, for the theoretical/practical training of young African engineers and technicians, is a reason for hope for an ever greater involvement of the Italian academic world in the high-level training of African engineers and technicians. Knowing how to make good use of the resources our planet has to offer without violating its delicate balance also requires greater awareness and skills.

Attention to the environment and the use of more sustainable practices must certainly be addressed in terms of global governance, but at the same time they must be promoted in everyday life and become the heritage of the people. In this DREAM with its territorial and popular roots has a great role to play.

At the table, in addition to DREAM, were representatives from the financial world, Michael Riedl, Senior Analyst in international cooperation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, from the production categories, Daniele Gizzi, Head of the Environment and Circular Economy Sector of Confartigianato, from the business world, Silvio Gentile, Ceo & Founder Green Utility SpA.

Massimo Zaurrini, Director of Africa & Affari, gave the floor in the opening to Luigi Di Marco of the ASviS Operational Coordination and in closing to Roberto Colaminè, Deputy Director DGCS Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Director General of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS, Luca Maestripieri closed the plenary by recalling how dramatic a moment we are living in many countries, exacerbated by the pandemic-war sequence and, drawing on his recent mission to Burkina Faso and Niger, how high the expectations towards Italian cooperation are in many African countries.


Mantieniti in contatto con DREAM

* Campo obbligatorio